Monday 2 September 2013

An Interesting Read... 

5 Benefits of Handmade Soap.

1. Made With Natural Ingredients

Conventional soaps available in stores today are not really soaps at all, but detergents made with synthetic fragrances and other chemicals. These ingredients tend to leave your skin feeling dry, itchy and tight.  Handcrafted soap, on the other hand, is made with a variety of natural ingredients, fragrance and oils that are known to lock in moisture and hydrate the skin.  Most handcrafted soap makers are also respectful of nature by not testing their products on animals.

2. Offers Healing & Curative Properties

Handcrafted soap often contains healing properties due to the lack of chemicals in the ingredients.  Because handcrafted soap is made with natural ingredients obtained from plants, trees, herbs and flowers, their essential oils contain healing and curative properties in addition to natural aromatic fragrances.  When such essential oils are added to these soaps, common skin disorders like acne, eczema and psoriasis can be treated.

3. Contains Anti-Oxidants

The skin is the largest human organ as well as the body’s first line of defence against dehydration, weather changes, infection and harmful substances.  Handcrafted soap gives your skin the care it deserves by gently cleansing and locking in moisture.  It also provides liberal amounts of Vitamin E oil and wheat germ oil, as well as dollops of natural and essential oils like coconut and jojoba.  These oils have anti-oxidants in high amounts, which lend a longer shelf life and a balancing effect to the skin complexion.

4. Contains the Natural Humectant Known as “Glycerin”

Handcrafted soap contains glycerin, a bi-product obtained naturally through the saponification process.  Glycerin is what creates the lovely, silky, lathering feel that moisturises the skin. The commercial soap manufacturers typically eliminate glycerin when manufacturing soap, which is what causes the skin to dry out.

5. Is Simply Luxurious To Look At

Perhaps the most appealing factor about handcrafted soaps is that they are gorgeous pieces of art.  These soaps often have unique shapes and intricate designs with exquisite swirls and colours.  Depending on the fragrance, some soap will even be embedded with chunks of flowers or oatmeal.

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